It is a game known by children all over the world and of all ages. In Spain it is called Peonza, in France Toupie, in England Top, etc ..
The tool is a kind of grooved wooden cone with a nail driven into the tip. A tightly fitting twine is wound along the grooves. Then he throws himself on the ground keeping the upper end of the string tied to one finger of his hand. The top is released from the string and turns on itself quickly, according to the strength and skill of the throw. It is played in many different ways.
One of the most frequent ways is to throw it within a circle traced on the ground from a distance of about two meters to try to hit the opponent’s remaining inside the circle to get it out of the circle itself; it is also possible to play for a duration of time, that is to say, the spinning top wins, which, by rotating on itself, remains standing for a longer time.