
 Impact in the short to medium term (at the end of the project)Medium-long term impact (after 2 - 4 years from the end of the project)
Participating Organizations
Participating organizations (Coordinator + Associated Partners)Greater skills and abilities in promoting and carrying out activities that encourage participation in physical activities in traditional sports and games
Greater awareness of the role of sport and traditional games in promoting cultural identity, social inclusion, equal opportunities and physical activity for the benefit of health (HEPA) Greater skills deriving from the recognition of value deriving from the opportunities to exchange knowledge, experience and practices
More awareness of the valuable role of volunteering and associations in the organization of sports activities
Strengthen a dialogue, destined to become permanent, to elaborate and share innovative organizational and implementation solutions also in consideration of the post-COVID-19 pandemic by elaborating new future development strategies to respond more effectively and efficiently to the new needs that have emerged.

Development of shared projects functional to the definition of common approaches and models for starting sport and traditional games with attention to fragile subjects.
Creation of informal networks of instructors and operators in the sector aimed at promoting sport and physical activity and in particular the values, advantages, accessibility and sustainability of traditional sports and games at European level Formal and common commitment to promote regulations, codes of conduct oriented towards inclusion and environmental protection.
Raise awareness among policy makers and private supporters towards making concrete commitments to give continuity to non-profit international sporting events that promote sporting activities and bring young people closer to adopting healthier lifestyles.

Direct target groups
Instructors, technical-sports operators, other inter-sectoral participating professionals

Acquisition / development of inter-sectoral and multi-disciplinary skills
Development / enhancement of digital skills applied to teaching and oriented towards environmental protection
Enhancement, recognition and promotion of technical-sporting and multi-disciplinary professionals operating in the traditional sports and games sector
Increase of opportunities for the exchange of knowledge, experiences and practices between peers operating in different and complementary fields at the European level
Strengthen a dialogue, destined to become permanent, to elaborate and share innovative organizational and implementation solutions also in consideration of the post-COVID-19 pandemic by elaborating new future development strategies to respond more effectively and efficiently to the new needs that have emerged.

Deepening and Continuity of development and strengthening of inter-sectorial and multi-disciplinary skills acquired
Development of shared projects functional to the definition of common approaches and models for introducing sport and traditional games with attention to vulnerable subjects.
Creation of informal networks of instructors and operators in the sector aimed at promoting sport and physical activity and in particular the values, advantages, accessibility and sustainability of traditional sports and games at European level.
Formal and common commitment to promote regulations, codes of conduct oriented towards inclusion and environmental protection.
Adults and Minors participating in games that practice physical activity / sportStrengthening the positive perception of physical activity in general and of traditional sports and games in particular
Strengthening awareness of the positive effects and benefits of physical activity
Enhancement of acquired skills
Greater respect for oneself, for others and for the natural environment where sporting activities are held.
Strengthening the conviction of giving continuity to the physical activity carried out.
Sharing the experience with your family as a moment of growth and well-being for everyone.
Identification of common values, goals, experiences between European youth and adults

Business continuity
Development of specific sports skills
Development of healthy sporting competitiveness and greater awareness of individual and team commitment
Improvement of the athlete / instructor relationship
Strengthening and stabilization of bonds and interpersonal relationships
Continuity in the development of a greater awareness of oneself and one's possibilities
Increase of psycho-physical well-being conditions
Greater sensitivity towards environmental protection and improvements in knowledge of the entire supply chain relating to traditional sports and games

Adults and minors who are frail, disabled and with psycho-social and behavioral problemsAcquisition of greater knowledge and awareness of therapeutic opportunities and treatment of sports activities.
Increased opportunities for well-being, self-acceptance and integration
Strengthening awareness of the benefits of sport and physical activity and health benefits
Increased interest and the need to obtain more information
Identification of common values, objectives, experiences among young Europeans

Approach and introduction to Paralympic sports and other recreational-motor experiences that improve the perception of oneself and others
Improvement of the psycho-physical state, social relationships and the ability to control emotions
Improvement of perception and sense of acceptance of oneself and one's body
Adults and Minors who do not practice physical / sporting activityStrengthening awareness of the benefits of sport and physical activity and health benefits
Development of a positive perception that associates the physical activity of traditional games with fun, friendship, a state of well-being
Increased interest and the need to obtain more information
Identification of common values, goals, experiences between European youth and adults
Approach and conscious start to traditional sports and games
Improvement of health and psycho-physical well-being associated with healthy lifestyles that improve the perception of oneself and one's body.
Greater respect for social rules, greater sensitivity towards others and the natural environment.
FamiliesStrengthening awareness of the benefits of sport and physical activity and health benefits
Development of a positive perception that associates the physical activity of traditional games and sports with fun, friendship, a state of well-being
Increased interest and the need to obtain more information
Identification of common values, goals, experiences

Support for approaching and introducing sports and physical activity of traditional games.
Improvement of the attention and participation of families in the children's activities also through the development of a more direct relationship with instructors and operators that can create the conditions for sharing new projects, methods and common approaches
Associations and organizations (sectors: sports, social welfare, health and well-being, education, disability, assistance to minors, environmental protection, etc.)

Strengthening awareness of the benefits of sport and physical activity and in particular of the health benefits of sports activities of traditional games
Enhancement, recognition and promotion of multi-disciplinary professional skills
Increase of opportunities for the exchange of knowledge, experiences and practices between peers operating in different and complementary fields at the European level
Strengthen a dialogue, destined to become permanent, to elaborate and share innovative organizational and implementation solutions also in consideration of the post-COVID-19 pandemic by elaborating new future development strategies to respond more effectively and efficiently to the new needs that have emerged.
Support for approaching and introducing traditional sports and games in particular by young people who are frail and disabled
Improvement of children's attention and participation in the activity also through the development of a more direct relationship with instructors and operators.
Sharing of new projects, methods and common approaches that contemplate digital transformation as an opportunity, the common recognition of the social and inclusive value of traditional sports and environmental sustainability

Researchers and experts (fields: sport, health, medicine, education and training, environment, etc.)

Acquisition / development of inter-sectoral and multi-disciplinary skills
Increase of opportunities for the exchange of knowledge, experiences and practices between peers operating in different and complementary fields at the European level
Strengthen a dialogue, destined to become permanent, to elaborate and share innovative organizational and implementation solutions also in consideration of the post-COVID-19 pandemic by elaborating new future development strategies to respond more effectively and efficiently to the new needs that have emerged.

Deepening and Continuity of development and strengthening of inter-sectorial and multi-disciplinary skills acquired
Development of shared projects functional to the definition of common approaches and models for introducing sport and traditional games with attention to vulnerable subjects.
Creation of informal networks of instructors and operators in the sector aimed at promoting sport and physical activity and in particular the values, advantages, accessibility and sustainability of traditional sports and games at European level.
Formal and common commitment to promote scientific research activities in the field of traditional sports and games
Public and School Institutions, Policy MakersStrengthening awareness of the benefits of sport and physical activity and in particular of the health benefits of equestrian activities
Strengthen a dialogue, destined to become permanent, to elaborate and share innovative organizational and implementation solutions also in consideration of the post-COVID-19 pandemic by elaborating new future development strategies to respond more effectively and efficiently to the new needs that have emerged.
Create new, common and more efficient strategies and solutions to ensure the implementation of the Council Recommendations on the transversal promotion of physical activity, the EU Guidelines and the Tartu appeal.

Planning of more effective policies for the promotion of physical activity
Planning and implementation of support and incentive measures for the start of sport, in particular dedicated to frail and disabled minors and their families
Recognition and dissemination at European level of traditional Games as a common cultural and identity foundation.
Organizing Committee