- Chinese Taipei
- FITB – Fédération International de Tchoukball
Tchoukball is team ball sport of 7 players that unites all key sporting skills: athleticism, concentration, respect for oneself and the opposition and teamwork.
Fair play and respect for the opposition is a fundamental part of the way in which tchoukball is played. All physical contact between players and interceptions are banned, enabling all players of differing shapes and sizes to play together.
The main objective of the game is to score a point by hitting one of the 2 frames located on both side lines with a ball which is rebounced back to the field and is not catch by the opponent’s team. If this rebounced ball hits the ground, the shooters score a point. As any interceptions between opposite players are banned the only shooters job is to find the best shooting position to rebounce the ball to the place where it won’t be catch by the opponents. If they catch it they immediately become offenders and the play continues like this until point is scored by one of teams.
At a higher level, tchoukball is a very intense, extremely fast and skilful sport allowing individuals to express themselves as part of a team. On the other hand, Tchoukball demands real teamwork as points are scored when the ball is distributed most effectively. Good observation, constant attention by all participants and their cooperation is also crucial in defence work. The technical demands of tchoukball appeal to players who strive for the beauty of play. Tchoukball games often see a point scored every 20-30 seconds!