Palet or Tiles

The game of the palet is perhaps among the oldest in the world: in the past it was characterized by the throwing of flat stones towards a fixed point, almost always marked by a wooden peg partially driven into the ground. It is a mountain adaptation of the game of bowls, from which it differs in the shape of the thrown object, the palet . This is a flat iron disc, weighing approximately 800 to 1200 grams, a thickness from half a centimeter to one centimeter and with a diameter varying between 10.5 and 12 centimeters. The “boccino” or “pellino” towards which the palet is thrown is also made of iron. In place of the snitch

Two wooden stakes called boume are also used: driven into the ground in the center of the pitch.

We face each other individually, or in teams of two or three players, with rules very similar to those of bowls or ” pétanques “. The game starts validly if the snitch thrown by a player falls in the area of the court specifically delimited; the same player throws his first ” palet “, then an opponent throws his own, trying to get closer to the snitch; the one who is furthest away throws another ” palet “, and so on until they are exhausted. The team that has placed the ” palet ” closest to the jack scores points, equal to the number of ” palets ” that are closest to the jack than the best placed ” palet ” of the opposing team. The team that reaches the set score first (13 for individual competitions, 21 for team competitions) wins.

Organizing Committee