Federaciò de Jocs I Esports Tradicionals de la Comunitat Valenciana

The Federation of Jocs i Esports Tradicionales de la Comunitat Valenciana (FJET-CV) was officially presented at the beginning of 1996, although it had been working as a management board since 1992. Its objectives: to recover, organize and control the modalities of games and sports traditional from the Valencian Community (region of Spain).

The FJET-CV has 5 active modalities in which regional trophies and leagues are held (birles, seven and a half throw, pic i shovel, canut, arm-ball throw) and another 13 that are presented at festivals with the intention of that the people of the federated clubs recover them in their localities, or new clubs can arise, and competitions can be organized.

In 2003, within its organizational structure, the Escola Autonòmica de Jocs Tradicionals was created, which is in charge of researching and promoting games, whether active or missing.

The Escola has organized school meetings and publications with the aim of serving teachers as a work tool in schools.

Since 2005, the School has been a member of the European Association of Traditional Games and Sports (AEJDT).

Organizing Committee