Easy & fun games for all

  1. Spider web

On the asphalt with chalk is drawn spider web. On spider web threads there are spiders located.


Go through the spider web, following the web threads. The participant should not step over the spiders. When meeting the spider, the participant has to search for another way.

Alternative: the same principle may be applied, but using bells – the participants should go by thread, not letting the bell attached to it to ring.

  1. Snail

In the game area there are colourful balls located. In the center of the area there is a box (snail  house), with a rope attached to it.

The game moderator moves the box (snail house) with the rope in different directions.


Participants should throw all the balls into the snail house. You have to take the balls one by one (it is not allowed to throw several balls at once).

  1. Backpack

Each participant has a “backpack” attached to his/her back (5L water bottle, with its top cut).

In the game area there are clourful balls.


After the signal from the activity moderator, the participant should throw as many balls as he/she can to the backpacks of the other players, simultaneously trying to avoid the balls, that other players are trying to put in his / her backpack. The player, that has less balls in his / her bag comparing to other players.

Another option of this game:

1) to throw only the balls  of particular colour;

2) as competition, team against team.

  1. Orienteering activity

In the 20 m x 20 m area cones are placed (4 m space between conuses)


1.Participant when starting the activity receives participant card, on which there are 6 different distances (attachment nr.2) and check-in card (attachment nr.3). After start sygnal participant in particular sequence accomplishes the distances and with colourful crayons checks in in the card (attachment nr nr.3). Distance has to be accomplished as fast as possible. On the finish participant has to show the check-in card with marks.

2.Participant on the start is issued participant card, on which there are 6 different distances (attachment nr.2). After start signal particiant accomplishes the distances in particular sequence, near the cone takes indicated card with picture (attachment nr.1). Distance has to be accomplished as fast as possible. On the finish participant has to present cards with pictures.

  1. Adam had seven sons (Ādamam bija 7 dēli) – traditional Latvian game

The participants make a circle, holding hands. Moderators (two participants) are in the center of the circle and pick a move. At the same time other participants walk around in circle and sing: Ādamam bij’ septiņ’ dēl’, septiņi dēli. Ne tie ēda, ne tie dzēra, ne tie zin, kas jādara. Visi dara tā. Kā? Those in the center show the move, and all participants in the circle repeat the move. The two participants that repeat the move in most correct way, go to the center of the circle, become moderators and the game begins again.

  1. Twists and turns of the labyrinth

The participant needs to accomplish the sequence of labyrinths.

First labyrinth: the participant has the card describing what is the right sequnce of completing the labyrinth. Participant follows the instructions.

Second labyrinth: the labyrinth should be accomplished, jumping with both feet, direction of the feet should match the direction of the arrows.

Participant picks the geometric figure and should accompish the labyrinth stepping only on this picked figure.

  1. Hunters and ducks


  1. Develop precision of movements;
  2. To develop reaction speed and the ability to quickly change the running direction.

The “ducks” stand inside the circle, the “hunters” stay outside.

One hunter has a volleyball ball in his hands. At the signal, the hunters try to hit the ducks with balls. Ducks run in a circle, trying to avoid the ball in every way. When all the ducks are shot, the players switch roles. The team that hits all the ducks in the shortest time wins.

  1. The long snake


  1. To develop movement coordination, a sense of balance, the ability to navigate in space, change the direction of movement.

2 Stimulation of respiratory functions.

  1. To develop the ability to cooperate.

Players stand in a column and put their hands on the hips of the partner standing in front of them. The whole column is “Snake”, the first standing in the column is “Head”, the last standing in the column is “Tail”. At the moderator’s signal, the “Head” must catch the “Tail”. When the “head” catches the “tail”, then the “head” goes instead of “tails” and the game repeats.

Organizing Committee